Old Books


Noticias Históricas de la República Argentina. 1857.

Noticias Históricas de la República Argentina. Obra póstuma del Sr. D. Ignacio Núñez. Dedicada al Sr. Dr. D. Valentin Alsina, segundo Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Buenos Aires, por el hijo del autor, D. Julio Núñez. Buenos Aires. Imprenta de Mayo. 1857.

Quarto, Title page, 1 sheet, IV pp., IV pp., 365 pp. Old binding with the label of Federico Schrebler, with his workshop located in front of the Church of San Agustín in Buenos Aires. Good copy. Suarez, no. 4473, lists it as a "valuable book." Palau, no. 196836. First edition.

Ignacio Núñez, soldier, official and journalist, participated in the reconquest of Buenos Aires in 1806, the May Revolution included him in the patriot ranks. As a journalist, he was editor of “El Argos de Buenos Aires”, “El Centinela” and “El Nacional”.

In 1825, he accompanied Bernardino Rivadavia on his trip to Great Britain and at his side, received the job of secretary of the legation in London, where he published another relevant work: "Historical, political and statistical news of the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata with an appendix with the usurpation of Portuguese and Brazilian Montevideo (London, 1825).

Back in Argentina and with Rivadavia as President, Ignacio Núñez continued to perform important functions, until the irruption of Juan Manuel de Rosas on the political scene displaced him from the foreground, and because of his political ideas, he was even arrested. and shackled. Finally, in very poor health, he passed away in 1846.

Vicente O. Cutolo will say, regarding the work offered here: "His son Julio Núñez, published the Historical News of the Argentine Republic, posthumous work, increased and corrected, in 1857, dedicated to Governor Dr. Valentín Alsina”.

Bound with:

Efemérides Americanas, desde el descubrimiento del Río de la Plata por D. Juan Diaz de Solis. Buenos Aires. Imprenta de Mayo. 1857.

115 pp., (includes Title page, blank).

Bound with:

Trabajos Literarios del Señor D. Ignacio Nuñez. Buenos Aires. Imprenta de Mayo. 1857

81 pp., (includes Title page, blank).


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